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A revolution in the world of food delivery

ai image manna-min.png

Company Manna

Year 2021

Role Product/Brand Designer

A visionary concept in the food delivery industry. Our drivers are in your neighborhood waiting to receive your order. Choose from one of our local restaurants and receive delicious, fresh, and warm meals delivered to your door in minutes. No tip. No delivery fee. No minimum order.


To achieve a uniform and minimal design, I opted for a single font. Poppins, with its various font weights, allowed me to experiment with different styles and effectively showcase hierarchy.

To achieve a uniform and minimal design, I opted for a single font. Poppins, with its various font weights, allowed me to experiment with different styles and effectively showcase hierarchy.



In choosing a Manna red (#DC1138) for the main branding color of a food delivery app, I carefully considered the psychology of colors and the specific goals we aimed to achieve with our brand identity. Here are the reasons behind our decision: 

  • Appetite Stimulation: Incorporating a pinkish red hue in our branding stimulates appetite and excitement, making users eager to order food through our app.

  • Passion and Energy: The color red conveys passion and energy, perfectly aligning with our food delivery service that brings convenience and joy to people's lives.

  • Emotional Connection: Pinkish red creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, fostering comfort and trust for users when using our app.

  • Gender-Neutral Appeal: Striking a balance between feminine and masculine, pinkish red is a gender-neutral choice, catering to a diverse audience.

  • Brand Differentiation: Adopting pinkish red sets us apart from competitors, establishing a recognizable and distinct brand.



I decided to use Google's Material Design icons as they are familiar to users, ensure consistency across devices, receive regular updates, and save development time and resources compared to creating a custom icon set. This choice enhances the app's usability, aesthetics, and overall efficiency.



I am of the firm belief that a successful logo must meet four criteria: first, it should incorporate a simple form; second, it must possess a unique and easily recognizable shape; third, it should maintain its visual appeal when scaled to different size; fourth, the font choice should reflect the brand identity... The Manna logo is a homerun!

Logo stencil.png
Logo red.png
Logo full.png



Clear and simple walkthrough screens are like a friendly guide for users, ensuring a smooth start and helping them quickly grasp the app's power. Plus, they give your brand a polished, trustworthy image.



An intuitive and quick signup/login flow is the foundation of user engagement. When users can effortlessly create accounts or sign in, they're more likely to explore your platform, increasing user retention and satisfaction. A streamlined process eliminates barriers, reducing the risk of users abandoning your app or website due to frustration. In essence, it's the key to a seamless and welcoming user experience.

Sign up 1.png
Sign up 2.png

My Addresses

By allowing users to easily manage and update their delivery addresses, you enhance their convenience and save them time. Users can effortlessly switch between home, work, or other frequently visited places, reducing the friction of entering address details repeatedly. Additionally, it supports location-based recommendations, making the ordering process more personalized and enjoyable. In essence, a seamless 'My Addresses' feature is a recipe for improved user satisfaction and loyalty in the competitive food delivery landscape. A seamless 'My Addresses' flow saves the user time and prevents mishaps such as deliveries to wrong locations, from occurring

Main Screens

Efficiency is the name of the game at Manna. Manna's number one priority with the user app is to get food to the customer as quickly as possible, and this starts with a fast and intuitive order flow and UI. We accomplished this by allowing the user to order directly from the home page without having to enter the individual meal. This set us apart from all other food delivery apps which require the user to enter the desired meal in order to place the order, something which can be cumbersome for a repeat costumer who already knows what he wants.

Main 1.png
Main 2.png
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